flashes of red in all directions.


This was bad enough, but now to my horror, they brought out four more of the shiny red glass baubles on chains, and one without any chain. pinned one of the scintillating red jewels onto the front of my white satin blouse right at the summit of each tautly bulging synthetic breast. The other two dangling red brilliants were pinned onto the seat of my skin-tight jeans, right on the most prominent areas of my swollen buttocks.

While I was still dismayed at these bizarre ornaments to my already exotic transvestite costume, my captors filled my bellybutton with some quick-drying glue and then stuck the unmounted red-glass into that depression where it immediately was glued in place. And now, with each breath and with each movement of my hips or torso, that jewel winked its blood-red glitter to attract attention to my transformed body.

Now once more I was ordered to parade around for the entertainment of my torme tors. As I moved and posed in front of the big mirror, I was truly horrified at what I saw. My head was feminized by the upswept hair-do, the carefully applied cosmetics, and the heavy, glinting, dangling ear-rings. My upper body was exaggeratedly girlish because of the shiny white satin blouse which concealed my arms but emphasized the huge bold mounds of my padded bra. My slim bare midriff with its blinking red jewelled eye was the ultimate in feminine glamour. y high-heeled sandals exaggerated the length and curves of my legs in typically female fashion.

But the worst part of all was the skin-tight hip-hugger jeans which so snugly encase the reagion of my hips. Clinging to my flesh with hardly a wrinkle, they surged

out over the curve of my inflamed and swollen buttocks. They were so tight that the fabric was drawn deeply in between my spanked bottomcheeks, emphasizing their prominence and separation. My hips seemed femininely braad withIn the front in the tight revealing material. the sleek denim curved down from well below my navel, accentuating the curve of my lower belly. But where the clinging dungarees the most emascupassed between my thighs was lating sight of all.

The painfully tight elastic pantiebrief that served as underwear was crushing all my masculine equipment up and back so rigorously that there was no expected male bulge visible to my startled eyes. In fact, there was even a shallow valley where the front center seam passed down out of sight between my thighs to join the deeper seam which was And with each separating my swollen buttocks. step took, those sensitive elements so tightly compressed between my legs were buffetted and massaged strongly.

It was nearly dark outside now, and

I had to accompany the dominant girls to a wooded area on the outskirts of the campus where the cook-out and barbecue was to be held. Altogether there would be about twentyfive girls and a similar number of fellows. There was a large charcoal grill where hamburgers could be cooked, along with plenty of french-fries and lots of beer and soda. After this informal supper, there would be a big dance in the gymnasium, with live music from a rock band.


There were several of this very bright gasoline lanterns for illumination, and almost everyone had his or her own flashlight. general mood was of gay festivity, even though I was frightened and resentful at what was